We at Matt Green Photography want to thank all of you for coming to our site. This is an exciting time for us as we launch our web site. We want to thank everyone that gave us their inspiration and talent on this endeavor. Matt wanted to be the first to give the inaugural update:

Hello Y'all,

I wanted to let you know how excited and great this feels to finally be up on the web. This has been a dream of mine for many years and now, it is finally a reality! I want to thank Rebecca Dorville at the R. Gallery Web Design for the amazing work she has done. Rebecca, you are a great friend and you took my vision and made it a reality. You have designed an awesome web site! I can’t thank you enough. I also want to thank a few of my mentors that have helped me along the way and continue to help me. Art Wolfe, who turned what I had as a passion and interest into a real thing, Art, thank you for all your wisdom and guidance. Roy Toft, who has helped me more than anyone else, Roy, you are a true friend and a great teacher. I enjoy every trip I can help you on. I enjoy our friendship and have learned a lot from you.

Well, here it is folks; I hope you enjoy this site as much as we have enjoyed putting it together. This is of course an ever growing site, as I am out in the field and expanding my portfolio we will be continually updating. Since we are in this section of my site, I should talk about it. Please look to this section for updates on trips I am offering or any exciting news about gear or tips. This is kind of a spring board for you to see what new and exciting information we have on our site.

Well, speaking of trips, I'm heading to AFRICA in 2008! I know it seems like a long ways away, but in reality it isn't. I will be leading a small group to Tanzania for a once in a life time photographic and wildlife experience. This will be a custom photographic safari, using the best operator in Tanzania, who has been doing safaris in Tanzania exclusively for the past 25 years and is the recipient of the 2005 Tanzania Tourist Board Humanitarian Award. As mentioned, space is limited so please contact us if you would like to learn more about this and check our workshops page for more information. This will be an amazing trip and I hope to see you on it.

Well, it is time for you to enjoy the new site. Please let us know if you have any questions.